Senior Projects are an important capstone experience in which the knowledge and skills acquired at Head-Royce are applied to a real world context.
由一个或多个导师指导的, seniors design a project that explores a curiosity or deepens an existing passion and share their learnings in a culminating presentation with the Head-Royce community at the end of the year.
This is an opportunity to focus exclusively on a topic that inspires them—a rare moment in life to pursue a singular idea. 该项目必须属于以下三类之一: 新技能, 有创意的 or 社区参与.
Students spend at least 80 hours towards the experience and many put in much more. Here’s what some of our most recent (and not so recent) graduates shared:
Bilal一. 1923年和华金·G. ’23
The hardest part of this ride wasn’t the physical aspect, it was the mental component. Knowing that we still had hours of riding ahead of us was draining, 比骑自行车更重要, 因为我只想着下一个目的地. 我不得不把整个旅程分成几个部分. 而不是考虑最终目标, I made smaller steps to look at…daunting tasks are easier to accomplish when you break them down into bite-sized pieces! -双边A. ’23
瑞秋B. 23和爱丽丝Z. ’23
Setting the goal of writing and producing an entire song was definitely a daunting task. Although we created a timeline for ourselves, we continuously strayed from it. There were times when we didn't know if we would be able to even write the song. Mr. Walters was a great mentor, and encouraged us throughout the entire process. With his help, we worked through the challenges and created something we were proud of. It was a team effort, and we learned to communicate better with one another.
——瑞秋·B. ’23
海登T. ’23
尽管障碍重重, I was driven by my passion for economic development and having a sustained impact on others. 通过这项工作, I have gained a greater understanding of the importance of resilience, 因为我必须工作两年才能到达发射阶段. I also learned that while I may have to pivot along the way, it is important to have a guiding mission to help me stay true to my original vision. This venture has increased my confidence in setting up new businesses, and I know that I am capable of taking on any challenge that comes my way, 即使我在做一个世界各地的项目. (海登T. '23 pictured with a representative from a local NGO in Trinidad.)
加贝米. ’23
在我的高级项目过程中, 我和我的祖母一起做了传统的韩国菜, while also interviewing them and creating cooking tutorials/documentaries for the rest of my family. 这段经历让我重新与我的传统联系起来, learn new culinary and technical skills—like proper knife-handling and video editing—and develop a deep appreciation for the way food helps pass down family history. I was also grateful for the quality time I spent with my grandmas.I’ll be sure to cherish the memories we made during this project, 尤其是当我开始向大学过渡的时候.
We set out several goals, one of which was “build something bigger than yourself.“这是我想了很多的事情, 对我来说, it’s kind of the unofficial motto of The Big Build (Editor’s note: which Miles and a team of collaborators started and which continues to take place every May, 由现在的大四学生经营). On one level it means creating something physically larger than you are. 但它还有更广泛的含义, which has to do with working as a team to create something you could not have as individuals. That applies as much to 较低的学校 students building a bridge as it does to my collaborators and me, 没有他们,就不会有大建设.
Meena Hart Duerson, 02年
在我的毕业设计中我学到了很多. 最明白地, it gave me a suite of skills I was immediately able to use when I went to college and began to pursue internships in television production. I had a major leg up having already worked on sets and being familiar with the logistics and the vocabulary. 二十年后, I still work in production and now have my dream job—as a correspondent at VICE News—and it's in no small part thanks to experiences like my I-搜索 and Senior Project, which exposed me to and connected me with professionals working in these fields. My Senior Project made it possible for me to understand how to break into production and introduced me to people who taught me how to succeed there. I'm so grateful for the push in this direction and the support from Head-Royce to explore these opportunities!
A Sampling of Other 2023 Senior Projects: As Diverse as our Student Body
Creating and deploying an open source full-stack application. Farhan H.
学习弹钢琴. 玛雅C.
把摩托车改装成卡丁车. 尼科洛·L. 卡比尔·M.
学习Ẹdo语言. Iyọ小米黄酒E.
在家庭法律事务所实习. Anay年代.
Expanding a sneaker resale business and restoring a pair of Air Jordans. 诺亚R.
Advocating for a dedicated wellness center space at the school. 路易莎L.